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Постановление от 15.03.2010г. №36
Организационно-методические мероприятия по совершенствованию преподавания иностранных языков в учреждениях общего среднего образования


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5 класс
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Развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся с использованием французской методики преподавания иностранного языка
Открытый урок победителя областного конкурса профессионального мастерства “Учитель иностранного языка”
Английский язык. 6 класс. Mysterous things

ИКТ и ЭСО. English

Употребление артиклей
English Nouns
Future Tenses
My family
Pronunciation of sounds
Degrees of Comparison
My day off
Modal verbs
The land of "there" and modal verbs
Past Simple
The Secrets of English Letters
Have got
The Country mouse and the town mouse
Мир таинственных звуков Англии
I know the ABC
At, On, In
Brains Battle
TV-films and cartoons
Caution at the Risk of Your Life
The United Kingdom of Great Britain

ИКТ и ЭСО. Deutsch

Урок-соревнование в 3 классе
Deutsche Märchenstraße
Die Jahreszeiten
Die Sehenswurdigkeiten Berlins
Landschaften in Deutschland

Уроки французского

Урок французского языка в 11 классе по теме «Научно-технический прогресс»

Межпредметная связь

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В журнале «Замежныя мовы у Рэспублщы Беларусь» (№ 4, 2011) были опубликованы об­разцы заданий для проведения обязательного выпускного экзамена по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык». Читатели оперативно и очень положительно отреагировали на пу­бликацию. Редакция получила материалы, подготовленные учителями ряда школ и гимназий страны. Некоторые из них в полной мере отвечают требованиям, предъявлявшим к экзаме­национным материалам. Сегодня мы предлагаем вашему вниманию материалы проведе­ния третьего этапа экзаменабеседы, стимулом к которой является ситуация общения, подготовленными учителями Ирининской гимназии г. Гомеля.



Т. Ю. Барозмовская,

 учитель английского языка Гомельской Ирининской гимназии, учитель высшей категории;

И. А. Яковец,

 учитель английского языка

Гомельской Ирининской гимназии,

учитель первой категории




1.     Travelling and Tourism

1)    Let’s talk about travelling and tourism. What types of tourism do you know? Which one do you prefer? Why?

2)    Do you agree that travelling with friends is much more interesting than travelling with parents? Why?

3)    Imagine you are going to another country on holiday. What questions would you ask at a travel agency as to the place, the accommodation, the transport, etc.?

4)    Give advice to your friend on how to avoid problems with cash during his trip to Britain.

5)    Have you ever travelled abroad? If yes, tell about your trip. If no, tell about the trip you’d like to have.


2.     Ecological Problems. Nature Protection

1)    Let’s talk about environmental problems. Has Belarus suffered from any catastrophe?

2)    Do you agree that air pollution is a cause of people’s health problems? Why?

3)    Imagine you are interviewing an animal protection activist. What questions would you ask him/ her?

4)    Give advice on how to become more environment-friendly.

5)    Are you for or against animal experimentation? Why?


3.     Places of Interest in Britain

1)    Let’s talk about places of interest in Britain. Which of them would you like to visit and why?

2)    Do you agree that Whales is the land of glorious kings and powerful wizards of the old days? Why?

3)    Imagine that your friend spent a month in Scotland. What questions would you ask him / her?

4)    Your friend has only one day to stay in London. Advise him what places of interest are worth visiting.

5)    What part of London would you like to live in? Why?


4.     Belarusian System of Education

1)    Let’s talk about Belarusian system of education. At what age do Belarusian schoolchildren start and finish school? How long does a school year last? Do you take any exams?

2)    Do you agree that schoolchildren must wear a school uniform? Why?

3)    Imagine you are talking to your peer from England about schooling. What questions would you ask him/her?

4)    Your friend doesn’t know what to do after finishing school. Give some advice.

5)    What is your idea of an ideal school?


5.     National Character

1)    Let’s talk about national characters. They say every nation has got its national traits. Germans are considered to be punctual and accurate, Americans are commonly known as active, energetic and practical people. And what about Belarusians? What are our national traits?

2)    Do you agree that ‘English people are the slaves of traditions’? Why?

3)    Imagine you and your peer from Australia are discussing stereotypes about foreigners. What questions would you ask him?

4)    Your friend is going to marry a handsome American. What is your advice?

5)    What do you think has an influence on forming national character? Can you give any examples?


6.     Jobs and Careers

1)    Let’s talk about your future profession. What are your professional plans? What is your career goal? What would you like to achieve?

2)    Do you agree that the knowledge of a foreign language is necessary to be a success? Why?

3)    If you interviewed a person for a job of a teacher what questions would you ask him/her?

4)    Your friend is interested in choosing the right career. Give him advice.

5)    What can work mean for different people? What is it for you?


7.     Youth Organizations

1)    Let’s talk about Belarusian youth organisations. What youth organisations are there in our coun­try? Are you a member of any youth organisation?

2)    Do you agree that young people should play some role in the life of the society? Why?

3)    Your British friend is a member of the Scout movement. What questions would you ask him/ her?

4)    Your friend is hesitating whether to join the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth. Give him advice.

5)    You are making a speech about a real or imaginary youth organization. Your aim is to find new members. What would you say?


8.     Outstanding People of Belarus

1)    Let’s talk about outstanding people of Belarus. What famous people of Belarus do you know? What are they famous for?

2)    Svetlana Aleksiyevich, a Belarusian writer, once said: ‘If we only could learn to value a small human life!’ Do you agree that every life is valuable, no matter if a person is an ordinary or outstanding one?

3)    A lot of outstanding people originated from Belarus. Which of them would you like to meet? What questions would you ask him/her?

4)    Your pen-friend from England asks you to provide some information about Belarusian enlighten­ers which might be of help to him with his report about our country. Give him advice.

5)    Name a Belarusian author whom you definitely call the soul of the nation. Explain your choice.


9.     Who Governs Britain

1)   Let’s talk about the political system of the United Kingdom. Who has the greatest power in the UK? What does the term ‘parliamentary monarchy’ mean?

2)   Do you agree that the heir to the throne must be married to a member of a royal family? Why?        

3)   Imagine you are interviewing the British Prime Minister. What questions would you ask him?

4)   Imagine you are a public policy analyst. Give advice to your friend on how to win local elec­tions.

5)   What aspects of a British political system appeal to you most? Which of them do you think should or could be introduced in Belarus?


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